Des nouvelles de CS:CZ
Les trois lecteurs pré-pubères ayant acheté Condition Zero et qui nous lisent seront heureux d'apprendre que, si si, le jeu n'est pas totalement mort-né. Ainsi, on apprend sur que la version 1.1 de ce killer-app (ahah) sortira la semaine prochaine et apportera plein de nouveaux trucs troooop biens : des modèles complètement nouveaux (et avec 50 polygones!) pour les armes et les joueurs, du nouveau "contenu audio" et surtout un Custom Mission Creation Kit pour que Robert, du fond de sa Corèze profonde, puisse créer une map de sa ferme.
Non, vraiment, c'est trop la fête.
Version 1.1 of CS:CZ will be released next week via Steam. The update includes a new "Buy Package" system for buying favorite loadouts quickly, the CS:CZ Custom Mission Creation Kit, all new player and weapon models, new audio content, and other enhancements.
The new purchase system features four user-definable “Buy Packages.” Each Package represents a complete equipment load out, allowing players to define everything from their primary weapon to how much ammo to buy to fallback options if money is tight.
With the CS:CZ Mission Creation Kit, MOD authors can create their own Tour of Duty Mission Packs with custom challenges, bot personalities, bot skins, and more. These MOD Mission Packs can then be distributed to players as Zip files. When installed, the new mission pack will automatically appear within CZ's mission menu.
Non, vraiment, c'est trop la fête.
Version 1.1 of CS:CZ will be released next week via Steam. The update includes a new "Buy Package" system for buying favorite loadouts quickly, the CS:CZ Custom Mission Creation Kit, all new player and weapon models, new audio content, and other enhancements.
The new purchase system features four user-definable “Buy Packages.” Each Package represents a complete equipment load out, allowing players to define everything from their primary weapon to how much ammo to buy to fallback options if money is tight.
With the CS:CZ Mission Creation Kit, MOD authors can create their own Tour of Duty Mission Packs with custom challenges, bot personalities, bot skins, and more. These MOD Mission Packs can then be distributed to players as Zip files. When installed, the new mission pack will automatically appear within CZ's mission menu.