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Ground Control 2 est gold

Sonny par Sonny,  email
le studio Massive Entertainment et VUG sont plutôt contents d'annoncer que le jeu de stratégie Ground Control 2 est gold.

Si la duplication se déroule sans anicroche, le jeu devrait toucher les bacs le 25 juin sur notre vieux continent. En attendant, il y a (une multi et une solo) à essayer.

Vivendi Universal Games and Massive Entertainment are announcíng today that Ground Control® II: Operation Exodus, has gone gold.

The game has been finalized and localized in more than 12 languages.

"On behalf of the development team it is extremely satisfying to finally announce that our latest game is completed. After having worked on the project for more than two years we're now very eager to see the response from gamers and gaming media worldwide," said Martin Walfisz, CEO of Massive Entertainment.

Ground Control® II: Operation Exodus will ship to retail on June 22nd in North America and will be released on June 25th in Europe and Asia.
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