We need your Gamertag because Microsoft will be helping Rockstar Games monitor access to the online modes up to release date. Because of this, we will need to add your Gamertag to the approved list of gamers who can play online prior to release. In addition to supplying this information, if you do intend to go online before April 29th, you will need to change a couple of the basic settings on your Xbox 360 and keep these settings like this till the game comes out, otherwise other people will be able to see your achievements list for GTA IV (even if you are playing another game) and we’d like to keep that information back for the fans. You will have to switch your profile to private and appear off line. We have attached a document that explains exactly how you do this just in case.
Gray Fox a écrit :
Bon allé moi j'arrète de parler sur ce topic parce ke sa sert a rien.
Écrire dans un français correct et lisible : ni phonétique, ni style SMS. Le warez et les incitations au piratage sont interdits. La pornographie est interdite. Le racisme et les incitations au racisme sont interdits. L'agressivité envers d'autres membres, les menaces, le dénigrement systématique sont interdits. Éviter les messages inutiles