Fez : un patch qui pèse [MàJ]

Il aura fallu beaucoup de patience - pas autant que pour attendre sa sortie ma foi - mais le voilà : le patch pour Fez est déployé et corrige une liste longue comme le bras de bugs, failles et exploits.
On vous met le changelogdans la suite mais attention ça peut spoiler.
Update : un bonheur n'arrivant jamais seul, il semblerait que le patch corrompt les sauvegardes qui marchaient bien sans lui.
On vous met le changelogdans la suite mais attention ça peut spoiler.
Update : un bonheur n'arrivant jamais seul, il semblerait que le patch corrompt les sauvegardes qui marchaient bien sans lui.
Major issues
Save file unusable if saved inside one of two village interiors (4-cube wall village)
Save file unusable if saved at the top checkpoint of the lava challenge level, or attempted to use the “jetpack” cheat in this level
Save file unusable after playing for a long time (usually in a new game+) in certain areas of the game (crash within a minute)
Crash when rotating view on a ledge inside the library interior
Crash when attempting to open a blank spot in the artifacts inventory, after collecting the tome
Clock tower framerate slows down to a crawl if system date is too far in the past or the future
Able to escape out of closed interior rooms by rotating near objects, which can cause an infinite death loop
Changing profile might corrupt the save file
Crash on fake reboot at hexahedron encounters (note : measures were taken to fix this, but due to its random nature we can’t know for sure that it’s gone; testers haven’t encountered it!)
Performance improvements
Frame dropping when auto-saving, especially when save device is not the hard drive
Frame dropping while using rotating platforms, time switches, valves and watchers
Poor performance when black holes are on screen
Poor performance in the industrial levels with platforms on railings
Infinite death loop if player gets sucked by a black hole near sewage water
Infinite death loop when pulling up from a ledge into a black hole
Infinite death loop when waiting in a space where a destructible block respawns
Inaccessible big parting waterfall doorway even if waterfall is parted, when coming back to it later on in the game or in a “new game+”
Inaccessible secret door if player collects 4 owls, goes to the statue but exits the level too early
Stargate door now two-way, which allows player to return back to the zu village instead of being forced to watch the ending
A certain valve/water height setup in the first sewer level makes sections of the level unattainable
Bumpers would randomly stop working for view rotation
Rare crashes
Crash if player enters the door behind the big parting waterfall too quickly
Possible crash when exiting an exterior level which has water
Possible crash and gltiching sound when holding onto rotating platform and falling
Possible crash and inconsistent behaviour with the “security question” puzzle room
Disconnecting controller in main menu may make the pause menu overlap it, which causes a crash when viewing credits
Upgrading the trial mode to full version from the upsell screen with video and selecting “Continue” could freeze the game
Graphical issues
In-the-sky level transitions visual issues with clouds moving sporadically and disappearing
Map graph does not update properly or nodes/connections disappear while browsing
One face of the “code machine” tetris rosetta stone doesn’t display
Clock tower : player collects anti-cube while falling to his death, camera gets stuck in zoomed-in mode
Jetpack causes graphical issues in the hexahedron encounters
Rotating groups active in first person view, which can cause camera oddities
Opening the inventory cube while using a warp gate or walking to a doorway causes graphical issues
Bell spins violently and disappears if standing idle near it for a very long time
First person view ability retained wrongfully when starting a clean new game from a “new game+”
Finishing with 64 cubes without having gone through a 32 cube ending doesn’t grant the first person view
Finishing the game with 33+ anticubes wouldn’t trigger the achievement(s)
Leaderboards not posting when not connected to LIVE, and would never post again
“Secret solved” jingle plays every time you input a secret code, even if it’s already been resolved
Leaderboards should cap at 209.4%
Anti-cubes and golden cubes should cap at 32
Infinite cube collection with the bell tower
Player was able to go through the secret owl door without having talked to the 4 owls
Localization issues
“carte de trésor” -> “carte au trésor” in french localization
All instances of “oe” did not appear in french localization
Sound issues
Birdsong loops don’t pause when opening the map or inventory screen
Several sound effects retouched/added
Credits are missing music when viewed during a cutscene