SupaPictave a écrit :
vous arrivez à comprendre comment fonctionnent les missions de WIT, on verra ça à nouveau en septembre.
1. Dogs are in it (this isn't news per say, but I can confirm it now 100%)
2. They will be controlled by the player by whistling. Slow down, wait, call back, etc. will all be controlled by different whistles.
3. You will have to feed it (raw steaks) and water (water bottle).
4. It looks like they can track (not sure if this is finished or if they can just track animals or other players) and warn (they watch out for danger, not sure if it's only zombies or other players) and then bark/growl.
5. Stealth has been modified (haven't compared it to a older version but from playing I'm positive it's made easier to stealth past zombies).
6. How the gear is synced has been modified (probably the ammo count fix).
7. maxLocalZombies was changed from 30 to 40, more zombie spawns?
Havok06 a écrit :
Écrire dans un français correct et lisible : ni phonétique, ni style SMS. Le warez et les incitations au piratage sont interdits. La pornographie est interdite. Le racisme et les incitations au racisme sont interdits. L'agressivité envers d'autres membres, les menaces, le dénigrement systématique sont interdits. Éviter les messages inutiles