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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


BATTLEFIELD 3, preparez votre C4 !
Membre Factor
Membre 116 msgs
Pour le javelin, j'ai aussi été déçu. Je pensais transformer des chars en gros tas de limaille mais non, il est pas du tout péchu. Le lock est son seul avantage, on peut viser de loin.

Le SOFLAM, j'ai jamais essayé mais d'après ce que lis c'est inutile. C'est idiot dans le sens ou cela récompense le teamplay.

Sinon j'ai un bug rigolo, en ingé, je ne peux pas prendre mon fusil/pistolet plus de 10 sec. je repasse avec le lanceur.
Peter La Fleur
Admin 1211 msgs
Tog a écrit :
Pour le javelin, j'ai aussi été déçu. Je pensais transformer des chars en gros tas de limaille mais non, il est pas du tout péchu. Le lock est son seul avantage, on peut viser de loin.

Le SOFLAM, j'ai jamais essayé mais d'après ce que lis c'est inutile. C'est idiot dans le sens ou cela récompense le teamplay.

Sinon j'ai un bug rigolo, en ingé, je ne peux pas prendre mon fusil/pistolet plus de 10 sec. je repasse avec le lanceur.

Ben en fait, on a pas mal testé, et le SOFLAM c'est vachement sympa dans le sens où ça te permet de locker n'importe quel véhicule, même à travers les murs et en moins de 2 secondes. Le SOFLAM doit avoir la visibilité sur la cible, mais en tant qu'ingénieur, tu peux être quasiment n'importe où.

Les gros défauts qui empêchent le combo de tout défoncer (et récompenser le teamplay), ce sont :
- dégâts pourri
- précision pourrie (suffit qu'un tank avance, et bien souvent le javelin explose derrière)
- vitesse pourrie (un avion vole plus vite)

Si ces points sont améliorés, c'est du tout bon.
'tention j esui bourrré
Membre 1269 msgs
je n'avais pas touche au jeux depuis le 10 novembre et je sens que ca va durer.
j'ai le syndrome "Nitoo". BF3.exe a cesser de fonctionner au bout de 10-15 min de jeu... BORDEL DE CHIE.
pour info, version russe a jour patchee en En, avec driver nvidia Bêta. (je croise les doigts pour que ce soit ces driver 290...)...le pire c'est que le dlc tue et le jeu semble plus fluide.
Merci DICE / Nvidia.
Membre Factor
Membre 1831 msgs
Je n'ai pas joué depuis une éternité mais je testerai bien les nouvelles maps, du monde dispo ce soir ?
Membre Factor
Membre 182 msgs
Origin est down, c'est pas gagné pour qu'on puisse jouer ce soir :p
Membre Factor
Membre 435 msgs
Bonsoir, j'ai apply aussi. Pas souvent la, mais ça arrive.

Nick : Szkroh
Membre Factor
Membre 736 msgs
Tonolito a écrit :
je n'avais pas touche au jeux depuis le 10 novembre et je sens que ca va durer.
j'ai le syndrome "Nitoo". BF3.exe a cesser de fonctionner au bout de 10-15 min de jeu... BORDEL DE CHIE.
pour info, version russe a jour patchee en En, avec driver nvidia Bêta. (je croise les doigts pour que ce soit ces driver 290...)...le pire c'est que le dlc tue et le jeu semble plus fluide.
Merci DICE / Nvidia.

Tu as le DLC B2K avec ta version russe ? Quelle version du DLC ? FR/EU ? Pas de problème de compatibilité ?
'tention j esui bourrré
Membre 1269 msgs
Raf a écrit :

Tu as le DLC B2K avec ta version russe ? Quelle version du DLC ? FR/EU ? Pas de problème de compatibilité ?

Oui..à l'achat j'avais 2 codes (pour le jeu et le DLC). Donc pas de soucis. J'ai topé le dernier fichier update, suite à la mise a jour d'origin /BF3 et depuis c'est retour bureau toutes les 15min.
Notez que je n'vais pas lancé le jeu avec les drivers Beta. Donc DICE /nvidia,I don't know
Membre Factor
Membre 736 msgs
ok. Car j'ai le jeu en version russe mais sans le DLC. Je me demande si le DLC FR ou EU est compatible avec le jeu RU.
Membre Factor
Membre 22 msgs
Mon id battlelog : Akoirioriko.
Membre Factor
Membre 495 msgs
Je viens de rejoindre le Platoon aussi, ID : ekinou
Bons frags, à très vite et joyeux noël !
Petit pawné n°2
Membre 186 msgs
J' ai apply y a longtemps mais bon...
ID : Valvalidu57
Membre Factor
Membre 2 msgs
Yo, mon ID battlelog: supacruz

Si j'ai bien suivi, lorsque je me sens seul et triste, je peux rejoindre un TS avec des mâles histoire de jihadder avec des amis ?
Le vertueux
J'aime les films de karaté
Membre 6700 msgs
Non, il faut d'abord aller parler aux gens pour les motiver afin d'aller jouer ensemble.
Membre Factor
Membre 2 msgs
A ce point ?
Trop de déçus / de "BF3.exe has crashed" pour avoir de quoi faire une squad de temps en temps ?
Le vertueux
J'aime les films de karaté
Membre 6700 msgs
S'il existe frustration c'est plus à cause du netcode.
Mais quoi qu'il en soit, il suffit de demander aux gens et la plus part du temps ils seront partant.
Membre Factor
Membre 505 msgs
Message d'Alan "Demize99" Kertz, le Core Gameplay Designer:

I'm working on a retweak of the accessories in the game currently, as I feel the player is limited in choice due to a few accessories being the clear winners in almost all categories.
While this unfortunately means nerfing those that are over used, the goal here is to focus on improving the under performing and under used attachments.
Additionally it is the intention for an unmodified weapon to offer the best balance of Recoil, Accuracy, and Stealth.
Right now this is preliminary, I've already asked for feedback on different attachments, and there's several good threads here and on Battlelog that discuss the weapons.
Again, I'm not promising this will go live, and I'm not promising there will be an update, I'm looking for feedback and a discussion.
Thanks, Alan "Demize99" Kertz

The Foregrip is for players who who are in close combat and highly mobile fighting situations.
It reduces the horizontal recoil forces that make maintaining a consistant aim on target difficult, however it makes aimed shots more difficult.

+34% reduction in horizontal recoil (adjust based on gun)
-20% penalty to base accuracy when aimed

Rationale: The Foregrip is quite powerful on weapons with high amounts of horizontal recoil, and is generally the goto attachment for everyone using Assault Rifles and Carbines.
Currently it has no downside, which makes it a pure bonus upgrade and is a no brainer.
Adjusting the foregrip on a per gun basis will prevent the foregrip from over powering some guns, and also means it doesn't need to be globally nerfed into oblivion.
For example, 50% of the FAMAS's recoil is 0.3deg, while 50% of the G3A3's recoil is only 0.1deg. A global 0.1deg might work better, generally it will need to be on a per gun basis. The 20% penalty to aimed fire is about equal to a single shot fired on a Carbine.

The Bipod is for Players who wish to setup a position and hold it against the enemy, or make long range shots effectively.
When deployed recoil and dispersion are substantially reduced and scope sway is eliminated (except under suppression).

+Reduction in horizontal and vertical recoil (% depends on gun type)
+Reduction in dispersion (% depends on gun type/ammo type)
-Has to be setup to get the benefit

Rationale: The Bipod is underused, has a large penalty of needing to be stationary, yet today doesn't offer enough benefits on Carbines and Assault Rifles to be worth using.
A buff of the bipod for these, and perhaps even LMG weapons is likely necessary.

The Suppressor is for players who are mostly focused on Stealth.
It uses low velocity rounds, which means better stealth at the cost of reduced range.
The Suppressor adds bulk to a weapon due to its size, making firing from the hip more difficult, though a high quality Suppressor provides a small aimed accuracy bonus and reduces the muzzle rise when firing.

+Does not appear on minimap when firing.
+Reduces sound and visual muzzle signature
-Reduced range for both min and max, damage stays the same.
-50% penalty to base accuracy from the hip
+25% bonus to base accuracy when aimed
+10% reduced vertical recoil

Rationale: Today the Suppressor's main penalty is the slower bullet speed, the current 34% penalty to hip fire is almost ignore-able at any range you would hip fire, and with the upcoming buff to aim speed (time to accurate when aiming) the downside needs to be larger.
Additionally, the damage over range is only actually applied for LMGs and ARs, removing it and replacing it with a reduced to range makes this more consistent for all weapon types and focuses it more on close range (For reference, today an AR kills with 5 rounds at 40m and drops off to 7 shots, with a suppressor this would be 25m, but beyond 25m the damage would be a flat 6 shots.)

Today the Suppressor also gives a 50% bonus to aimed accuracy, which is the same as the heavy barrel, but without the additional recoil.
In fact the suppressor reduces vertical recoil by 10%, an amount which is essentially negligible, but is just one more reason to use the suppressor instead of other accessories.
Reducing this bonus makes sense, and allows the suppressor to offset the foregrip penalty, while not being as good as the heavy barrel.
This is of course over all a nerf but hopefully a minor one to what is essentially not an overpowered, just over used/general purpose, accessory.

Heavy Barrel
The Heavy Barrel is for players who are focused on Accurate Aimed fire.
It uses high velocity rounds, which means the bullet drop is reduced and the max range of the weapon is increased at the cost of an increase in auto fire dispersion.
The Heavy Barrel adds bulk to a weapon due to its weight, making firing from the hip more difficult, though it gives a substantial increase in aimed accuracy bonus.

+Increased maximum range, damage stays the same.
-25% increased dispersion per shot
+50% bonus to base accuracy when aimed
-25% penalty to base accuracy from the hip

Rationale: The Heavy Barrel gets used decently often today, though I think mostly because it's available quite a bit earlier than the Suppressor for Assault Rifles and Carbines.
Frankly, the penalty today to recoil, as well as a penalty to deviation, makes the aimed accuracy increase useless, especially since the Suppressor has the accuracy bonus as well.
So, let's pull the recoil penalty off this baby entirely, keep the auto fire accuracy penalty to keep it focused on small bursts of accurate aimed fire, and finally, push the maximum range of the rounds out a bit.
This will give the Heavy Barrel better performance in medium range by extending the 5 shots to kill window of a 556 or 545 AR from 40 to 65m. Past 65m, the damage would be the same.
This is a rather large buff.

Flash Suppressor
The Flash Suppressor is for players who want some additional Stealth, without the range and accuracy penalties of a Suppressor.
It works as a recoil compensator, reducing recoil, though it adds a slight bit of bulk making firing from the hip more difficult.

+Reduces visual muzzle signature
+20% reduced vertical recoil
-20% penalty to base accuracy from the hip

Rationale: The Flash Suppressor is underwhelming generally. While it hides the muzzle flash it doesn't hide you on the minimap.
I considered allowing it to hide on the minimap, but then it begins to just be a Suppressor without the aim bonus and range penalties.
I want it to be something different. By allowing the Flash Suppressor to work as a recoil Compensator, the FS becomes a middle ground between the Suppressor and Heavy Barrel.
If you're otherwise happy with the range, damage, and accuracy of your weapon, then the FS should be a nice buff to manageable recoil, without a whole lot of penalty. This is also a large buff.

Target Pointer
The Target Pointer is for players who want to run and gun from the hip.
The laser is visible, making the user more visibile to other combatants and thus less Stealthy.

-Visible Laser
+Laser can dazzle opponents
+33% increase in base accuracy from the hip

Rationale: The Target Pointer works well for its role, and generally feels like it doesn't need to be changed.

So, what do you think?
Membre Factor
Membre 284 msgs
Hello tout le monde

voila mon tag bflog : MrLasagne
Walter closets
Membre 538 msgs
Id Bflog kornysam2009
Timmy O'Toole
Membre Factor
Membre 21 msgs
Il y a t'ils encore des joueurs de BF3 sur xbox dans le coin ??
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