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Starbound : le miyon ! le miyon !

Skizomeuh par Skizomeuh,  email  @Skizomeuh
Chucklefish vient d'annoncer que son Starbound toujours en chantier mais déjà très fun vient de dépasser le cap du million d'unités vendues.

Tiens, en parlant du chantier, les devs ont fait une liste des featuresà venir dans un futur plus ou moins proche et il y a de quoi faire carburer vos glandes lacrymales : on retiendra surtout des donjons dans des vaisseaux gigantesques, des événements climatiques (tempêtes de sable/glace, pluies de météorites, planètes sans air ou toxiques) et carrément des bouleversements géologiques qui pourront modifier fortement une planète et son climat (et à terme il sera peut-être même possible de jouer à l'apprenti-terraformateur). Le détail dans la suite.

NPC Spawners & Building Logic: NPCs will scan the structures you build around them and the contents of chests; they will have improved inventories/behaviors depending on how valuable their surroundings are.
Macro Terrain Changes: Affect an entire planet’s terrain and weather
More Planet Scanner Data: See details in the planet scanner like planet occupants/dungeons
Underground: More secrets will spawn below the surface
Space Combat: Way in the future, expect space combat and the ability to board other ships.
Spaceship Dungeons: Very large, size of a planet.
Biome Hazards: Sandstorms, icestorms, meteor showers, toxic planets, airless planets.
Ore & Difficulty: Higher difficulty planets will have improved ore distribution
Story Missions: Eventually each tier will end with a story mission that ends with the bosses you see now.
Ship Navigator Changes: Still not set in stone; but the new idea is to give a local map with fog of war. Instead of sector buttons you have to fly out of a sector and into the next one by uncovering more of the star map. The final sector would be infinite.
Smoother Difficulty Curve: Better indication of the difficulty of an area. Difficulty will change within tiers as well as between tiers. There will be fractional difficulty (for example, Difficulty 1.12 in tier 1 would be easier than Difficulty 1.52, while still in T1)
Monster Generation: Right now, monster parts just have stat boosts, but eventually rolled monster parts will affect their behavior and abilities. For example, monsters with spider legs can climb walls; fiery monsters inflict burning. You might get a burning spider dropping on you from the ceiling. Projectiles may be tied to specifically generated heads. Biome may influence monster part generation.
Mini-Map: Rotating circular map showing highlights only such as the location of friendly players, spawn points–but no major details. For the details you’d use a mapping item to create a map as you travel.
Teleporters: Stargates between planets and eventually between servers.
Dramatic Planet Modification: Not going to be implemented any time soon. Ability for players to modify huge chunks of planets through things like orbital bombardment; removing the entire first layer of a planet and leave behind a lifeless surface.
Tech Priority: Eventually all techs can be active at once, but a categorization system is in the works to assign priority to conflicting techs, preventing issues. A hotkey to switch the active tech will be added as a temporary workaround until the priority system is completed.
Server Commands: More server commands and control for chat and port listening.
Villager AI: Villagers will aggro when you steal from them and follow you more aggressively.
World Storage: Improve world storage and organize *.pak files to improve modding. Add launcher integration.
Spawn Points: Change spawn points on individual planets.
Controls: Reconfigure controls; keybinding.
Ship Size: Upgrade ship/increase size.
Racial Armor: Racial abilities will not be inherent but will be tied to racial armor. For example, Avian armor can glide downward.
Capture Pods & Mercenaries: May be able to capture NPCs with pods. Summon NPC Mercenaries by using the pod as a beacon.
Reduced Wipes: Working on a system to patch without requiring as many character wipes in the future. This will require one more wipe and that’s it.
Other Changes: Colorblind Mode & Engine Optimization. FTL animation being revamped to reduce memory strain.{/quote]
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