Le code source d'Elite Force II ouvert à tous
Histoire de relancer l'intérêt des gens pour leur FPS de trekkies, Ritual Entertainment a lâché le code source de Star Trek : Elite Force II. Tous les modeurs du monde vont pouvoir s'y donner à coeur joie. Cool.
Télécharger (2,33 Mo)
This is the game source for Star Trek Elite Force II. The package contains all of the server side game code for singleplayer and multi-player and it includes all of the changes up to and including the 1.10 patch.
How To Use
When compiled it will create the file gamex86.dll which will be placed in the .executableDebug directory or the .executablerelease directory depending on if you are creating a debug or a release build of the dll.
You can either replace the old gamex86.dll from the full game (although you should back it up) or you can change which game dll the executable uses by specifing which one to use at the command line.
EF2 +set gamedll c:projectsEF2executabledebuggamex86.dll
NOTE: the code has only been tested under Visual Studio 6.0.