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Elle est plus forte que toi la Crysis

CBL par CBL,  email  @CBL_Factor
Crytek a pris son temps pour sortir la première mise à jour de Crysis mais là voici enfin. Le qui ne fait que 139 Mo corrige et améliore essentiellement la partie technique du titre, notamment en mode DX10. La seconde mise à jour devrait arriver bientôt et améliorera la partie multijoueurs du titre avec entre autre des mesures anti-triche. Le SDK du jeu sera aussi bientôt disponible.

*Fixed: Potential crash in D3D10
*Fixed: Orange boxes apearing when hispec savegame loaded into lowspec game.
*Fixed: Inconsistent damage dealt to vehicles when shot by LAW.
*Fixed: Reflection resolution on D3D10, MultiGPU reflection update fix
*Fixed: Memory leak with FSAA modes
*Fixed: Infinite ammo hacks.
*Fixed: Memory leak in D3D10 when switching screen modes
*Fixed: Muti optimizations
*Fixed: When player melees during gun raise animation, their gun will be in a permanantly raised position.
*Fixed: Crash when loading savegame with level exported recently by editor

*Fixed: Virtual keyboard does not function properly when a game pad is connected
*Fixed: Users can lose the ability to look around with the Right Stick
*Fixed: Setting screen resolution to "default" stops user from selecting last resolution
*Fixed: Bug when changing resolution in D3D10
*Fixed: Issues with Depth of field and water droplets in D3D10
*Fixed: Crash on NaN warning

*Added: Motion Blur UI and V.SYNC UI options
*Optimized: Motion blur
*Optimized: FSAA (Full Scene Anti-Aliasing)
*Optimized sound id implementation
*Enabled VSync functionality in D3D10
*New benchmarking files for ice CPU benchmark.
*http/xmlrpc password protected remote control session
*Marked debug cvars as cheat
*F12 (screenshot) now works in restricted mode as well

*Reduced LAW splash damage vs. infantry in PowerStruggle mode
*Slowed Rocket projectile speed down in MP slightly
*Disabled automatic turret bounding boxes on vehicles to prevent issues with LAW hit detection
*Reduced grenade explosion radius in multiplayer
*Clamped water tesselation to avoid cheating in MP
*MultiGPU improvements with depth map updates
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