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Star Wars Battlefront 2 le 1er novembre
A la droite de dieu
Admin 3866 msgs
Lucas Arts vient d'annoncer que le très laid Star Wars : Battlefront 2 sortira le 1er novembre prochain, soit le même jour que l'édition DVD de l'Episode III : Revenge of the Sith.

Lire la suite sur le site : Star Wars Battlefront 2 le 1er novembre.
Membre 253 msgs
Ha ha, ils n'ont pas compri avec le premier.
Membre Factor
Membre 950 msgs
J'ai vu l'épisode 3 aujourd'hui. Palpatine, il est défiguré de naissance (c'est comme ça et il a caché sa vraie face) ou c'est vraiment windu qui l'a défiguré ? et grievous, il tousse parceque windu lui a fait un coup de Force (anime star wars) ou c'est autre chose ?
Membre 1361 msgs
Un robot qui tousse -_-'
Pedobear à poil roux
Membre 4167 msgs
ce n'est pas un robot, mais un cyborg
Membre 1361 msgs
Merci de la correction :)
Membre Factor
Membre 950 msgs
ça répond pas aux questions :|
Membre Factor
Membre 457 msgs
c'est windu qui le defigure, j'ai regardé les 2 premiers ya pas longtemps, quand on voit dark sidious (=palpatine) en hologramme, il est pas encore ridé
Pedobear à poil roux
Membre 4167 msgs
grievous a été gravement blessé dans le sabotage de sa navette et c'est ensuite qu'il est devenu un cyborg, c'est de là qu'il tousse.
Membre Factor
Membre 950 msgs
t'es sur que c'est pas à la suite du sabotage qu'il est devenu un cyborg ?
Pedobear à poil roux
Membre 4167 msgs
c'est ce que j'ai écrit.
Membre Factor
Membre 950 msgs
oui mais pourquoi il tousse !!!!, ils sont capable de faire un cyborg sans qu'il tousse.
Membre Factor
Membre 457 msgs
bah c'est peut etre tout simplement pour lui donné du charisme. De toute façon en ne regardant que les films ya rien qui l'explique, apres , les animes c'est autre chose...
A la droite de dieu
Admin 3866 msgs
Il tousse parce qu'il a gardé ses poumons d'humains, non ?
Membre Factor
Membre 457 msgs
Sonny a écrit :
Il tousse parce qu'il a gardé ses poumons d'humains, non ?

oui c'est ce que je me suis dit aussi quand j'ai vu le film, un moment on voit ses poumons sous son armure (au debut je me disait : " trop con ce film, un robot qui tousse")
Membre 2 msgs
désolé mais la bio de grevious a pas été traduite
en gros il a été victime de son succès ce "mec"

voici ses origines ( )

Before rebuilt as a cyborg warrior, General Grievous was one of the greatest military masterminds the Kaleesh people had seen. From the harsh world of Kalee, the Kaleesh had conquered the land and seas of their planet, and displayed pride in their superiority by wearing masks cobbled from the bones of their most feared animals, the mumuu and the karabbac. Warrior families would hand down these bone masks from generation to generation, adorning it with fresh blood prior to every hunt or campaign.

Grievous wore such a mask in his battle against the hated Huks, a neighboring species. He weathered countless close calls as he unleashed destruction on Kalee's enemies. He would return home to his wives and offspring, bloodied but emboldened, ready for battle again. After the war ended, Grievous had difficulties adjusting to life without conflict.

Grievous' war record had attracted the attention of San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. His contacts within Count Dooku's growing Separatist movement had caught the scent of profound galactic change in the air, and Hill began looking for leverage and advantage in the inevitable civil war that was brewing. He saw in Grievous a valuable asset. In exchange for supporting Kalee's staggering debts incurred in the planet's war with the Huks, the Banking Clan bought Grievous' eternal services as an intimidator and warrior.

It was this strong warrior spirit that transformed into profound anger, embarrassment and outrage that he should be crippled by so mundane a fate. General Grievous -- decorated champion of the Kaleesh, vanquisher of so many Huk warlords, grinder of the enemy's bones -- was fatally injured in a shuttle crash.

With his ally Poggle the Lesser, San Hill had targeted Grievous' shuttle for sabotage resulting in a terrible accident. Suspended in bacta, Grievous' shattered form was kept alive. He had not met an ignoble end; he was not cheated of a warrior's death. The technological wizards of the Banking Clan and the Geonosian foundries rebuilt him. They then presented their cyborg killer to Count Dooku as a gift.

Dooku was at first taken aback by so bizarre an underling. But he and Darth Sidious saw potential. Dooku began training Grievous in the ways of the lightsaber. He was dismayed that the subtleties and finesse of lightsaber combat had been discarded in favor of brutal, multi-weapon attacks, but so go the changes of war. At his hidden base aboard the Trenchant space station, Dooku pit his minions Asajj Ventress and Durge up against Grievous to determine who would be the commander of the Separatist droid army. Grievous emerged victorious.

When Grievous was first reborn, he was given a very generic droid face plate, and wore no cape. Possessed of vanity, Grievous made personal modifications, adding the metal teeth and stripes above his eyes to simulate the Kaleesh tribal bone mask, and created a new cape for himself. Since he knew in joining the Separatists he would be in for a long battle with the Republic, he carved the lines, instead of painting them, to make it a permanent statement. He also made sure that all his guards wore the capes with the Mumuu war paint symbol as well.

[ General Grievous ] Though Grievous was active at the time of the Battle of Geonosis, no Jedi had reported his existence as none had escaped his presence alive. He orchestrated many campaigns from sheltered bunkers, but he was not afraid to fight alongside his soulless troops in the frontlines of the battlegrounds. Jedi General Daakman Barrek first reported Grievous' frightening form on the industrial world of Hypori, where Grievous laid waste to almost all of Barrek's forces.

Following that bloody debut, scattered reports along the HoloNet told of numerous successes in the Office of the General's campaigns against the Republic. Grievous led a stab into the Republic's inner systems along the Corellian Trade Spine, conquering world after world. When Duro fell to a concentrated Confederacy attack, the insulated Core Worlds trembled in fear of what the General was able to achieve.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 le 1er novembre

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