from the penguin-in-every-hard-drive dept.
timtwobuck writes " is reporting that Ken Kutaragi, president of Sony Computer Entertainment, has disclosed in an interview that PlayStation 3 will natively run Linux. In fact, it will come bundled with it, if you purchase the HDD peripheral." From the article: "But while Linux would require a hard drive to run on, Kutaragi told Impress PC Watch, 'We're not going to equip [the PS3 with] a HDD by default, because no matter how much [capacity] we put in it, it won't be enough.' It was unclear whether he was referring to the previously known fact that the PS3 would not have an internal hard drive or whether he was indicating that the device would not come with the external 2.5-inch detachable HDD outlined in the specs revealed at E3."
BeatKitano a écrit :J'te comprends, moi j'ai lancé le lien pour le trailer de phantasy star universe et personne n'a rien dit. Je comprends pas
J'ai lancé le lien y'a 2 jours au moins et personne n'en a pris acte...bouhouhou je suis dépressif...
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