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[Kickstarter] Elite: Dangerous
Membre Factor
Membre 22 msgs
C'est mon premier message ici. J'ai backé le kickstarter d'Elite depuis quelque temps déjà et je crois beaucoup au projet. Il y a eu beaucoup d'updates depuis (une toute les jours quasiment) et on peut y trouver pas mal d'infos. N'hésitez pas à refaire un tour sur la page du kickstarter d'Elite et lire les dernières updates :

De nouveaux paliers ont été ajoutés aussi pour les mises. Comme de nombreux backers ont élevé leur montant, il est à nouveau possible de réserver le jeu pour 20 £ (les places sont limitées).

Je mets aussi le dernier trailer (un vrai, enfin !)

J'aimerais aussi citer Chris Roberts qui a décidé d'apporter son soutien à Elite et il explique pourquoi :

The second project is Elite: Dangerous from Frontier Developments. They still have 17 days left, but are also in danger of missing their minimum Kickstarter raise without a surge towards the end. They need a little more – some £456,000. You may say hey Chris, why do you want to support a competing project? Well I believe the world is big enough for multiple quality Space Sims. Having to compete against the Star Wars X-Wing games from Larry Holland certainly didn't harm Wing Commander and I feel Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous are different types / styles of games. Star Citizen is more focused on a “crafted” approach to the universe – more detail, cinematic flair and more unique characters and locations whereas Elite will follow a more procedural approach which will allow it to have a much larger galaxy to explore as a lot of content will be computer generated. Besides wanting to see Space Sims make a comeback, I fondly remember playing the original Elite on the BBC Micro by David Braben and Ian Bell. I started my game development career around the same time David did, with my first three games all being on the BBC Micro in the UK before I moved across to the USA and joined up with Origin. The original Elite definitely got me thinking about just how cool it would be to blend 3D space combat that with a cinematic story to create the experience I always craved when watching Star Wars.
[Kickstarter] Elite: Dangerous

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