update: Some gaming news sites are reporting that Blizzard "purchased" the diablo3.com domain from me. This is not the case. As I stated in the above post, if it was my intention to make a profit off of the domain, I could've sold it years ago, but I didn't. When Blizzard spoke to me about their interest in the domain, I was happy to give it to them since they had no problems with us moving the site to diablofans.com and will now be working more closely with us in the future. So yeah, I just wanted to clear that up... there is no monetary exchange taking place, I'm simply giving Blizzard the diablo3 domain.
__MaX__ a écrit :
Sans thune, je leur aurais au moins demandé une exclusivité concernant le jeu... "ok le domaine, mais aboule les infos tous les mois".
and will now be working more closely with us in the future.
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