rRootage sur iPhone
par CBL,
email @CBL_Factor
Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'rRootage est porté sur iPhone mais ce nouveau portage est bien meilleur que les précédents. rRootage Online est gratuit et propose tous les modes de jeu de l'original ainsi que les musiques et les bruitages.
On espère qu'après rRootage, le même dev commencera à bosser sur le portage de PARSEC47.
On espère qu'après rRootage, le même dev commencera à bosser sur le portage de PARSEC47.
Standard mode, in which players are armed with a laser cannon and a limited supply of screen-clearing bombs.
IKA (Ikaruga) mode, in which enemies spew out bullets in two different colors. The player’s ship can switch between these colors at any time — players can absorb same-colored bullets to charge up a powerful counterattack, while opposite-colored bullets are deadly.
PSY (Psyvariar) mode, which rewards players for scraping the ship against nearby bullets without colliding with them. Graze enough bullets and you’ll be rewarded with temporary invincibility.
GW (Giga Wing) mode, in which players can engage a reflector shield to gather and reflect nearby bullets. The shield can be used an unlimited number of times, but it needs to be recharged in between uses.