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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


EverQuest: Des serveurs en Europe ?

Arnaud par Arnaud, d'après Mobhunter  email  @drsynack
Etant un joueur fidèle de EverQuest, votre serviteur a obtenu, via l'excellentissime site MobHunter, une petite phrase d'un Game Master (très haute instance du Customer Service de Sony Online Entertainment) disant que la question de serveur(s) en France, Allemagne, .. et un peu partout en fait, était à l'étude. Rien de bien sûr, mais quand il déclare [...] notre localisation Européenne ne va pas s'arrêter à Antonius Bayle (ndlr: un serveur en Angleterre, le seul qui n'est pas en Californie). Nous sommes actuellement en train d'étudier l'ouverture de serveurs pas seulements en France ou aux alentours mais aussi en Allemagne [...], on a de quoi prendre espoir. Le mail complet après le lien.

Greetings, I am the GM of Antonius Bayle, Sony Online's newest EverQuest server and one localized in London, England specifically to address the needs of EverQuest's United Kingdom and Europe-based players. My online hours are scheduled to coincide with European primetime play hours as are the hours of our volunteer Guide staff. And while I myself do not speak French fluently, I am familiar enough with the language to be able to gather much of the information and communicate with the French players with whom I have communicated. I am a fluent Spanish speaker, however, as well as being able to somewhat communicate in Italian due to my family heritage. If a player is uncomfortable speaking with me in game, they are welcome to e-mail me so I can have the opportunity to translate word for word as well as responding in their native language. An additional note, several members of our aforementioned Guide staff are native French speakers, as well as speaking several other languages including German, Swedish and Danish, to name a few.

Some more good news is that after speaking with the Director of Customer Service about your e-mail, he has authorized me to inform you that our European localization plans have not stopped at Antonius Bayle. We are currently looking into opening EverQuest servers not only in France or nearby but also in Germany or thereabouts. Nothing definite has been confirmed as of yet, but everything is looking good so far. I sincerely hope I have answered your questions and allayed some of the concerns presented by your readers. If not, please do not hesitate to contact me with anything additional.

Patrick H. Cirelli
GM Drembo, Antonius Bayle
Sony Online Entertainment
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