Far Cry 2 se patche encore

Vous possédez la version PC de Far Cry 2 ? Alors n'attendez pas, et foncez télécharger le patch 1.02, qui corrige pas mal de petites choses pour le multijoueur, et rajoute des options d'avant-garde comme le support des écrans larges (bienvenue au XXIe siècle, Ubisoft !) ou de trucs genre Triple-Head de Matrox pour ceux qui ont vraiment trop d'argent.
- Added triple-header support to the game.
- A widescreen option has been added and can be enabled in the display options menu.
- Fixed certain characters that weren't allowed during profile creation (- . _ ,)
Game options
- In ranked matches, players can now play more than one match on the same host.
- Fixed the direct join by IP functionality.
- Players can now filter the server list using different parameters (ping, PunkBuster, game mode, dedicated, server name, number of players, ranked/unranked).
- It is now possible to conduct a multiplayer match search from the map leader board.
- Added the minimum number of players in the host options.
- Added the player's death count in the scoreboard.
- The host can now set the respawn time in advanced options, for player matches only.
- The host can now set the starting rank of all players in the match, in advanced options, for player matches only.
- The ping system has been improved to display a more accurate result.
- It is now possible to add a clan name to the player’s name through the use_clan_tag console command.
- Added quickmatch to the map download screen.
- The VIP is shown on the scoreboard, for your team only.
- The scoreboard is now displayed by the highest XP points to the lowest.
- The IEDs are now destructible by shooting on them or throwing a grenade close to them.
- The distance from a wounded teammate is now displayed.