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Clear Sky : un patch lumineux

Zaza le Nounours par Zaza le Nounours,  email  @ZazaLeNounours
GSC continue tranquillement de patcher son très bon S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Ce nouveau patch, estampillé 1.5.09, corrige bien évidemment divers bugs, mais rajoute également le support de l'Ambiant Occlusion, effet graphique gourmand mais plaisant à l'œil. Ça se récupère par ici.

v1.5.09 fixes:

* Improved integrated anti-cheating system to take screenshots from the player’s screen.
* Improved integrated anti-cheating system that allows the remote admins to track the modifications in network game parameters.
* Fixed bug with killing the player after respawn.
* Improved player-checking system upon connection.
* Fixed bug with RPG-7.
* Fixed bug in buy menu.
* Added new effect High Definition Ambient Occlusion.
* Increased the game stability.
* Changes of game balance in Multi-player:
o Increased damage dealt by "Tunder С14", "SA Avalanche ".
o Added possibility to attach scope to "SA Avalanche".
o "UDP Compact" pistol now has an increased cartridge (12 bullets).

Saved games:

* 1.5.04 - 1.5.08 versions saved games will be compatible with 1.5.09.
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