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Blizzard croit aux fantômes

Akshell par Akshell, d'après  email
Au moins au sien Starcraft : Ghost, dans une interview le lead designer de World of Warcraft explique la démarche de Blizzard dans le développement de ses jeux : admettre ses échecs, mettre de coté un projet le temps qu'il faut pour se consacrer à un autre, sans pour autant l'abandonner. Ce qui veut dire que Starcraft : Ghost reviendra nous hanter, mais pas de si tôt.

We're just willing to cancel the products that fail,[...]. That's important to our brand. We're willing to bite the bullet and write off those expenses. Sometimes six months into development, the idea doesn't flow.

Our most recent one was Starcraft Ghost. With that game we were very stubborn. I still believe in that game and the characters but we were not able to execute at the level we wanted to…Rather than work on that we had to focus on our other games. We're hoping one day to return to it.
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