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Battlefield 2 1.03 : le changelog

Niko par Niko,  email  @nik0tine  
EA et Dice diffusent les modifications prévues pour le prochain patch de Battlefield 2, estampillé 1.03. Ce coup-ci, ils vont peut-être le tester avant de le mettre en ligne ...

# Server and Client performance improvements.
# Improved Server Browser added Favorites and History Lists.
# Point-farming prevention - game will stop Support/Medic/Engineer point farming exploits.
# Squads - locked squad leader will get a message if someone wants to join.
# Many HUD improvements - see the names of others in your vehicle, zoom level changing depending on vehicle, map zoom depending on map setup (16, 32 or 64 player map) etc.
# Teamkilling changes the logic of how teamkills are tracked will be changed.
# Gameplay tweaks - the way transport helicopters work will be tweaked.
# Additional scoring changes - players who destroy an enemy commander's assets will be given points.
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