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UT2003 : Plus d'infos sur la démo

Niko par Niko,  email  @nik0tine  
Mark Rein, de Digital Extreme, a posté sur le message boards d'Epic quelques détails sur la démo à venir d'Unreal Tournament 2003 .

On apprend que celle-ci incluera probablement un total de cinq maps : deux maps deathmatch (Antalus et Curse3), une double-domination (Suntemple), une CTF (Chrome) et enfin une bombing run (Endagra).

D'aute part, comme il l'avait déjà précisé, les feedbacks de la démo permettront d'améliorer le jeu, aussi aucune date de sortie n'est encore prévue pour la release finale.

Une bonne nouvelle pour finir, il semble que la démo ne diffère de la version montrée à l'E3 que par l'implantation du navigateur de serveur, on devrait donc voir la démo débarquer assez vite (comprendre : dans les prochaines semaines).

Pour lire l'intégralité du post, lisez la suite.

1) What build version of UT2003 was being displayed at E3?

The latest one compiled just before E3. This was the first build I saw with a working Ion Cannon which is a ton of fun to use! What we showed on the show floor is essentially what we think the demo will be which consists of two DM maps (Antalus and Curse3), one Double Domination map (Suntemple), one CTF map (Chrome) and one Bombing Run map (Endagra). But, be warned, this could change. I don't believe there are any plans for a single player campaign for the demo.

2) What features were missing from the E3 build that will be added to the demo release?

The major ones I can think of would be the final server browser and stats tracking.

3) Approx how long has been allocated for feedback from the demo before finalising the retail code?

There is no particular amount of time being allocated for this. The response we get will determine how much needs to be done and whether or not we need to release another version of the demo before going final or not.

4) Are there any plans to release the server code to admins in advance of the demo release so that there will be some decent servers available to play on ?

No, not that I'm aware of. Once the demo is ready, it's ready and we don't want to be holding it back. I suspect it will take us a few more days after the Windows release to get the Linux server released.
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