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Nouveau jeu : Serious Sam HD : The Second Encounter

Zaza le Nounours par Zaza le Nounours,  email  @ZazaLeNounours
Sans trop de surprise, Croteam annonce que Serious Sam HD : The Second Encounter arrivera sur PC et Xbox Live Arcade (ce même XBLA qui attend toujours son remake HD du First Encounter) en début d'année prochaine. C'est tout ce qu'on sait pour l'instant, mais ça reste une bonne nouvelle quand même.

En attendant, le premier opus a reçu un premier patch. Il en avait bien besoin.

Fixed crashing on cut scene with the Ugh Zan boss on some machines.
Fixed not storing keyboard and mouse bindings on some machines.
Sound system through XAudio2 API now correctly supports various speakers setups (mono, stereo, stereo LFE 2.1, quadraphonic 4.0, surround 5.0, surround LFE 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1).
Fixed problem when sound system (XAudio2 API) cannot be initialized on audio configs that support and use sample rate higher than 48KHz.
Added sfx_iAudioDevice cvar, used to select sound device used by the game (0=default device, 1=2nd device and so on).
Maximum allowed sample rate used by XAudio2 mixer can now be set with 'xad_iMaxSampleRate' cvar (0=unlimited, use what's set by system).
Improved dynamic texture upload control, which should lessen stuttering when entering new scenes.
Updated autodetection for Radeon HD4600 series boards.
Completely reworked the chat console. It now uses a larger font, scales with the HUD, supports word wrap, limits line length, etc.
Player name in short list limited to 25 characters.
Added cvars hud_bShowShortPlayerList and hud_fShortPlayerListScale.
Added plr_bAllowPlayerAutoJump cvar.
Added hud_bFixedCroshair cvar.
Fixed cases where player names would show up as [unknown] in coop games.
Removed tooltip which collides with the refresh button on join game menu.
Improved error logging when crashing.
Updated string input menu to allow menu exit via Num Enter key.
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