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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


Chris Roberts de retour dans le monde du jeu vidéo

Skizomeuh par Skizomeuh,  email  @Skizomeuh
Wing Commander, Privateer, Freelancer, Starlancer... Si ces quelques noms ne vous mettent pas en transe, on ne peux plus rien pour vous. Pour les autres, sachez que Chris Roberts, après avoir goûté avec plus ou moins de succès au 7ème art, est de retour et prépare un nouveau jeu : Cloud Imperium.

Le vieux briscard des simus spatiales teaseson nouveau projet à travers le site (mot de passe : 42), lâche un premier artworkdu jeu et y va de sa petite lettre à l'intention des fans qu'on vous copie-colle dans la suite. En gros, l'évolution des ordinateurs et d'Internet font qu'il sent qu'il a "les outils pour construire l'expérience connectée dont [il a] toujours rêvé".

Un compte à rebours sur le site indique qu'on en saura plus sur Cloud Imperium le 10 octobre prochain.


If you’ve made it here, you probably know who I am. Maybe you have heard of Wing Commander and its sequels, or perhaps Strike Commander, Privateer or Freelancer.

If not, you’re still welcome!

I grew up making video games. I sold my first game at the age of 13 and created Wing Commander when I was 21. But 10 years ago, at the height of my career I took a break. Not because I stopped loving or playing games but because I had become frustrated with the limits of the technology at the time to realize my vision.

I decided to pursue my desire to create detailed worlds and tell sophisticated stories in film. I always said the moment I became interested in making games again was when I was going to come back.

With the power of today’s computers and the reach of the internet I finally feel I have the tools to build the connected experience that I always dreamed of. A world that would be more satisfying and richer than any film I could work on.

With films you tell stories but with games you create worlds.

If you’ve played my games, you’ll know that’s what I love to do.

I’m here to tell you that I have been working on something for just under a year, something that embraces everything that my past games stood for but takes it to the next level.

I hope you’ll be as excited by it as I am.

My new endeavor is still in its early stages but I invite you to take the journey with me. If you register below you’ll become an insider that will not only give you early access to the game’s website and forums, but you will also get the opportunity for rewards and privileges that no one else will get. It’s my way of showing how important your early involvement and support is.

The full announcement will be at 10am Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) on the 10th day of the 10th month of this year.

My name is Chris Roberts.

And if you would indulge me I would like to create a world for you.
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