SupaPictave a écrit :
Autre formulation : est-ce qu'avec ces modifs, le meilleur joueur du monde avec la meilleure arme du jeu continuera à manquer des rats qui sont à 3m de lui s'il n'a pas les bons points d'XP là où il faut ?
Auto Aim Explanation (You MUST read this!)
It is a common event in vanilla Fallout that one targets a target's specific body part only to see his projectile being directed somewhere else (usually the target's torso). This feature is known as Auto Aim. This event naturaly causes people to try and get rid of it, thinking that disabling it will cause the projectile to go where the
cursor is pointing.
This, however, proved not to be the case, as the projectiles where then shot completely off target. That is because auto aim's job is to allign weapon
fire with the cursor.You might have noticed that sometimes, when your hostile target is pretty far, the cursor doesn't become red until you approach within a certain (small) distance.
This change in color actually signifies that auto aim is activated (red cursor). When auto aim is activated, YOU CAN TARGET A SPECIFIC BODY PART IN ANY CAMERA MODE. Try it and see for yourself. The frustrating part on the gaming aspect is the activation distance for Auto Aim is pretty small, meaning you have to get pretty close to target a body part.
- As you may have noticed, FO3 aiming is weird...
- If you try to shoot a gun just over the tip of a rock you will normally hit the rock even if you were aiming over it
- This is because the bullet normally starts below the gun barrel
- Obviously this results in the crosshair and actual bullet path not lining up properly
- To combat this Bethesda introduced "bullet rise"
- This is all very well at short range but when you go above 30 meters this bullet rise completely ruins aiming
- I couldn't understand why my 0 spread weapon kept missing at long range
- Then I set the bullet speed very low, low enough that I could literally walk along side it in motion
- I tested it against a sign with a script attached to accurately measure distance
- This allows you to clearly see the effects of bullet rise
- Not only that but Bethesda added an aim bot which cannot be disabled (presumably for the console)
- Your bullets will always try to track the nearest enemy torso
- This means that if an enemy had their arm exposed but their torso was behind a wall and you tried to shoot the arm you would always miss at long range 100% guaranteed.
- This mod removes that auto aim so you can actually target the other body parts
• Il est bon de savoir que malgré l'option présente F3 ne coupe jamais vraiment le VSYNC à moins de le forcer avec iPresentInterval=0, vous gagnerez en réactivité
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