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Un Rédacteur Factornews vous demande :


Une suite spirituelle à Eternal Darkness

Nicaulas par Nicaulas,  email  @nicaulasfactor
Permettez moi d'être un peu trivial : dans la vie, il y a deux choses qui me font grave bander. Les jolies rousses aux yeux verts, et la perspective d'une suite à Eternal Darkness : Sanity's Requiem, le formidable survival horror du Gamecube. Pour les rousses en ce moment c'est pas trop ça, par contre pour le jeu, ça pourrait s'arranger prochainement malgré les déboires de Silicon Knights. En effet, IGN a balancé aujourd'hui un trailer d'un jeu intitulé "Shadow of the Eternals" (wink), par les créateurs d'Eternal Darkness (wink wink)

Peu d'infos sont livrées avec le trailer, si ce n'est que le financement passera entre autres par un Kickstarter lancé dans 3 jours, qu'un studio nommé Precursor Games sera aux commandes, et que Denis Dyack, le producteur exécutif d'Eternal Darkness, mais également de Blood Omen : Legacy of Kain (et soutireur notoire de subventions publiques), sera de la partie.

Cependant, le cache de Google se révèle être une vraie mine d'or. Toutes les infos extirpées du net, ainsi que la vidéo, dans la suite. Merci Lutherian.

Pitch du jeu :
    "Darkness has returned…
    When Detective Paul Becker is called to one of the bloodiest gang massacres in Louisiana state history, only two survivors remain from a brutal conflict between two rival cults. As Becker begins his interrogations of the suspects, their combined recollections will uncover the truth about the ‘Ancients’.
    Shadow of the Ancients is a sequel to the critically acclaimed Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Reqiuem. Featuring an ensemble cast of heroes and villains, the game will span over 2500 years of history throughout Egypt, England, Hungary, and the United States. Players will question the perception of reality as they try to balance the mechanics of combat, magick, and sanity events to progress through the adventure.
    Shadow of the Ancients will take players on a memorable journey throughout time; weaving historical fact with disturbing fiction to create an experience unlike any other."

But du Kickstarter:
    "Shadow of the Ancients will be an episodic series, and to complete the first episode and continue production on future episodes, we need approximately 1.1 million dollars. Any money raised beyond this will contribute to future episodes, additional characters, in-game perks, and additional platforms. The more money that we raise, the more we will deliver based on what our fans want."

Les tiers:
  • OFFICIAL SUPPORTER ($5) includes the following: Shadow of the Ancients Episode 1; Membership to the Order of the Unseen.

  • SANE SUPPORTER LE ($25) includes the following: Everything from Official Supporter; Shadow of the Ancients Episode 1-6 (first episode is free).

  • SANE SUPPORTER ($25) includes the following: Everything from Official Supporter; Shadow of the Ancients Episode 1-5.

  • BOUND SUPPORTER LE ($50) includes the following: Everything from Sane Supporter; Shadow of the Ancients Season 1 (Episode 1-12, two free episodes); Access to ‘Edward’s Secret Study’.

  • BOUND SUPPORTER ($50) includes the following: Everything from Sane Supporter; Shadow of the Ancients Season 1 (Episode 1-12, two free episodes).

  • MAGICKAL SUPPORTER LE ($100) includes the following: Everything from Bound Supporter LE; Exclusive in-game enchanted weapon ‘Pious’ Gladius’; DRM-free Digital Soundtrack; Alternate Player Costumes, digital version of Episode 1 Script, digital copy of ‘Whateley’s Journal’.

  • MAGICKAL SUPPORTER ($100) includes the following: Everything from Bound Supporter LE; DRM-free Digital Soundtrack; Alternate Player Costumes, digital version of Episode 1 Script, digital copy of ‘Whateley’s Journal’.

  • CHARACTER SUPPORTER LE ($150) includes the following: Everything from Magickal Supporter LE; High Quality Character Concept Mini-Poster signed by the team.

  • CHARACTER SUPPORTER ($150) includes the following: Everything from Magickal Supporter LE; High Quality Character Concept Mini-Poster.

  • ICONIC SUPPORTER LE ($250) includes the following: Everything from Character Supporter LE; High Quality Poster signed by the team.

  • ICONIC SUPPORTER ($250) includes the following: Everything from Character Supporter LE; High Quality Poster.

  • TOME SUPPORTER LE ($500) includes the following: Everything from Iconic Supporter LE; ‘Ephemeral Codex’ (Hardcover, 200 pages) signed by the team.

  • TOME SUPPORTER ($500) includes the following: Everything from Iconic Supporter LE; ‘Ephemeral Codex’ (Hardcover, 200 pages).

  • INSCRIBED SUPPORTER ($1000) includes the following: Everything from the ‘Ephemeral Codex’; Personal Dossier.

  • CHANNELED SUPPORTER ($2000) includes the following: Everything from the Inscribed Supporter; 60 min conference call with a Precursor Games staff member of your choice.

  • INSANE SUPPORTER ($5000) includes the following: Everything from Inscribed Supporter; Work with Precursor to design your own Sanity Event.

  • ANCIENT SUPPORTER ($10,000) includes the following: Everything from Insane Supporter; Attend the Private Launch Party; Receive an Executive Producer Credit.
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